- 申請人應不具中華民國國籍,且未具僑生身分者。但原具中華民國國籍,自內政 部許可喪失中華民國國籍之教日起未滿八年(以算至各校開學日期為準)者,不得申請入學。依文化合作協議由外國政府、機關、學校、文團體遴薦來台就學之該國國民,得不受前項規定限制。
- 外國學生具高中畢業資格者,得申請入學各校學士學位班;具大學畢業資格者得申請各校碩士學位班。
- 外國學生經入學大專校院後遭退學者,不得再申請入學各校,如違反此規定,並經查證屬實者,撤銷其所獲准入學資格或開除學籍。
- 申請人入學資格,以其在原畢業學校各科成績及格為最低標準,各系所得另訂較高標準。
- 獲准入學之外國學生,到校時若已逾該學年第一學期三分之一時程者,當學年不得入學。
Application Qualification
- The applicant must not be an R.O.C. (Republic of China) national and not be an oversea Chinese. Those who have foregone R.O.C. nationality, as approved by the Ministry of Interior, for less than eight years before the beginning of the semester are not eligible to apply.
- Those who are selected to study in Taiwan by foreign governments, institutes,schools, or cultural and educational organizations under cultural change agreements shall be excluded from the restraint of this article.
- International students that have dropped out from any universities in Taiwan are not eligible to apply for NCUT programs.
- Departments\ graduate institutes which accept international students shall stipulate their specific application rules andsubmit the rules to the school authorities.
- New international students arriving more than 1/3 of the first semester will be denied of their enrollment in that academic year.
- International students with a high school diploma are eligible to apply for undergraduate programs at NCUT; and Bachelor’s holders are eligible to apply for Postgraduate programs.
- 請先確定您的身分符合外國學生資格。
- 準備申請所需文件。
- 至本處網站寫申請表,並列印相關表格。
- 於截止日前,備齊文件,郵寄送達本處。
Application Procedure
- Please make sure that you are eligible to apply as an international student.
- Prepare all required documents.
- Fill in the online application form at the OIA website, and print out all required forms.
- Post the complete application documents to the NCUT OIA office before the deadline (The post must arrive in the OIA office before the deadline).
Application Deadlines
- First application period: March 01 to March 31 each year
- Second application period: April 01 to June 30 each year
- Please submit the application form to the Office of International Affairs
- 公告日期:第一梯次每年5月14日;第二梯次每年7月30日
- 公告方式:錄取榜單在各校公佈欄及網站公告,同時寄發入學通知單、錄取或未錄取通知單,同學請留意信件。
Announcement of Admission Decisions
Notice of admission decisions will be announced on the NCUT website on May 14 each year, and July 30 each year. Also, the offer letter and enrollment documents will be mailed to the accepted students.